Clinical Trials Arena April 22, 2024
Abigail Beaney

As consumer tech is better able to monitor basic elements of health, patients are being asked to bring their own device to a clinical trial.

Keeping track of your pulse, heart rate and oxygen saturation has never been easier, with smartwatches able to easily track a large amount of health data. In addition, most people use a smartphone daily and users can track their steps and monitor their calorie intake.

Technology has advanced over the past decade, and patients can record, monitor and store a great deal of data about their health on their smart devices.

With concerns about the growing amount of e-waste, could utilising patients’ own devices alongside reusable medical-grade monitoring devices be the answer to reducing e-waste...

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Topics: Clinical Trials, Digital Health, Interview / Q&A, Patient / Consumer, Technology, Trends, Wearables
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