McKnight’s Senior Living August 26, 2022
Kimberly Bonvissuto

As resident mental health and well-being top the list of challenges for affordable senior housing providers, one operator is sharing its playbook on a successful telewellness program.

Davis Park, vice president of the Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing, shared the success of the organization’s technology-based behavioral health program on Wednesday during a LeadingAge membership call.

Using a LeadingAge Innovations Fund grant awarded in 2016, the California-based senior living provider Front Porch launched a pilot study of a telehealth supportive counseling program for older adults in two of its affordable senior housing communities as well as a community center.

The pilot successfully provided accessible mental health services through video conferencing and iPads to underserved older adults, according to...

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Topics: Digital Health, Health IT, Mental Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Technology, Telehealth, Trends, Wellness
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