DOTmed December 29, 2023
Probo Medical, a supplier of new and refurbished diagnostic imaging equipment and parts, is taking a larger stake in the North American nuclear medicine, CT, and PET/CT markets via the acquisition of Alpha Source.
Founded in 1986, Alpha Source facilitates technical field service, depot repair, equipment refurbishment and resale services, and parts distribution for OEMs, ISOs, asset managers, hospitals, distributors, and resellers. Its subsidiaries include Alpha Source Biomed Solutions, BC Technical Imaging Solutions, and Medical Optics Surgical Solutions.
The company has more than 100 field service engineers, and in-house personnel who manage its four Centers of Excellence in Salt Lake City, UT; Jeffersonville, IN; Tamarac, FL; and Milwaukee, WI. These centers facilitate repairs, refurbishment, parts harvesting, and distribution of nuclear...