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Private health insurance exchange enrollment tops 6 million

Fierce Health Payers April 8, 2015
Brian Eastwood

Six million Americans used a private insurance exchange to enroll in employer benefits programs for 2015, according to a new report from Accenture. That’s double the number of 2014 enrollees–and it’s a growth rate that the consultancy expects to continue into 2018.

Two limitations on the growth of private exchanges continue to erode, Accenture said. First, industry moves such as Aetna’s acquisition of Bswift should help reduce the capacity constraints that have limited large-scale rollouts. Second, insurance exchange providers now develop more specialized products to address the fact that no new large employer customers signed on for the 2015 enrollment period.

The consultancy expects private exchanges to enroll 12 million employees in 2016, 22 million in 2017 and 40 million...

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), Patient / Consumer, Payer, Private Exchange, Provider
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Private health insurance exchange enrollment tops 6 million

Accenture April 3, 2015


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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), Patient / Consumer, Payer, Private Exchange, Provider
Home-Based Care Outlook: 55% of Leaders Name Staffing as Top Challenge, Tech Investment on Rise
How doctors lost their freedom and what it means for health care today
The biggest expenses crushing physician practices
Three ways the Trump administration could reinvest in rural America's future, starting with health care
Using AI to reimagine telehealth with a fair, effective billing model

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