AJMC July 19, 2024
Rochelle Henderson, PhD, MPA, Julie Patterson, PharmD, PhD, Rochelle Henderson, PhD, MPA, Julie Patterson, PharmD, PhD, John Michael O’Brien, PharmD, MPH

This study examined employers’ understanding of rebate guarantees, dependency upon rebate dollars, and the role that pharmaceutical rebates or employer benefits consultants play in their pharmacy benefits manager selection.


Objectives: To describe (1) rebate arrangements for specialty drugs, (2) the use and influence of benefits brokers and consultants, and (3) the importance of rebate-related factors when selecting a pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) among a sample of employers with self-funded pharmacy benefits.

Study Design: A national survey of employer drug benefit decision makers (N = 110) for organizations with self-insured pharmacy benefits.

Methods: We summarized respondents’ current rebate agreements for specialty drugs and their perspectives on the importance of rebates and rebate guarantees overall as well as by type of rebate agreement...

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