Pharmaceutical Executive March 18, 2024
Paul Edwards and Sharmeen Roy, PharmD, BCPS

Precision medicine is now seen as a healthcare approach for both the present and the future, particularly with the explosion of personalized care delivery.

Customization might have launched with coffee orders, but precision medicine is the future of individualized healthcare, targeted treatments, and overall improved care plans. Understanding patient care cannot be “built to order,” as it is impractical and deeply expensive, change was inevitable. It is necessary to understand the blend of technologies, including software, artificial intelligence (AI), and analytics, that will enable the adoption of precision medicine for each patient.

Precision medicine is based on specific genetic and demographic factors, meaning the tests are more accurate, and patients are spared unnecessary procedures, prescriptions, and adverse events. For example,...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Patient / Consumer, Pharma / Biotech, Precision Medicine, Provider, Technology
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