Health Affairs May 21, 2024
Priya Radhakrishnan, Fiker Bekele, Neal Patel, Anjali Raju

Picture a patient filling out a pre-visit questionnaire on the social determinants of health before seeing their doctor. Some of the questions ask if their partner has been abusive toward them. The patient discloses that they have experienced recent abuse by their partner and discusses this issue further with their physician during the visit. Afterwards, the physician reflects on what the patient has shared and recognizes an ethical dilemma. The patient’s questionnaire answers will be made immediately available to the patient in their electronic health record (EHR) due to information blocking policies in the 21st Century Cures Act. What if the patient’s abusive partner also has access to the EHR and discovers the disclosure of abuse? Policy efforts to standardize...

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Topics: EMR / EHR, Equity/SDOH, Govt Agencies, Health IT, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Regulations, Technology
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