Medscape September 26, 2024
Lisa M. Basile

Physicians and their employers want to improve their experience with private payers, according to the 2024 Physician-Private Payer Relationship Report from Medscape Medical News.

While private insurers do reimburse physicians and their practices at higher rates than government programs, 60% of physicians surveyed said the rates are “average,” with 22% saying they are “low.” Only 13% of physicians found their reimbursement rates “high” on average.

Physicians across the United States experience varying levels of disappointment regarding reimbursement rates. For example, physicians in the mid-Atlantic and South Atlantic states were the unhappiest, with 33% and 34%, respectively, reporting that their rates were “very low” or “low.” On the other hand, physicians in the Pacific and East North Central states (both 22%)...

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