MedTech Dive April 8, 2024
Nick Paul Taylor

Physicians said the test is based “on old genetic studies that have largely been abandoned” and could exacerbate the opioid crisis.

Dive Brief:

  • Physicians asked the Food and Drug Administration Thursday to revoke its recent approval of Autogenomics’ AvertD genetic test for opioid addiction.
  • The Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP) said the test is based “on old genetic studies that have largely been abandoned.” They said the test could exacerbate the opioid crisis by leading to overprescribing in patients who falsely test negative, or could wrongly label people as prone to opioid use disorder, causing them to face discrimination or not receive treatment.
  • PROP sent another letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Quoting...

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Topics: Biotechnology, FDA, Govt Agencies, Pharma / Biotech, Physician, Provider
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