RevCycle Intelligence October 5, 2017
Jacqueline Belliveau

Physician advisors act as a bridge between providers and other staff to improve clinical documentation, utilization review, and claim denials management.

When physicians are asked why they went into medicine, the classic response is that they wanted to help people. But as value-based reimbursement takes hold and clinical documentation demands increase, providers are finding that the business of healthcare is getting in the way of their care delivery.

Physicians are now spending almost six hours a day on EHR data entry, including clinical documentation, order entries, and billing and coding.

They are also sifting through thousands of pages of claims reimbursement rules and health policies. CMS and other HHS agencies alone published 49 rules in 2016, leaving providers to read...

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Topics: EMR / EHR, Health System / Hospital, HIM (Health Inf Mgmt), Physician, Primary care, Provider, RCM (Revenue Cycle Mgmt), Value Based
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