Health Populi February 21, 2023
Jane Sarasohn-Kahn

Over one in three U.S. consumers use a health app or wearable technology device to track some aspect of their health.

“The public’s use of health apps and wearables has increased in recent years but digital health still has room to grow,” a new poll from Morning Consult asserts, published today.

Among digital health tech users, most check into them at least once every day in the past month. One in four use these tech’s multiple times a day, the first pie chart illustrates. Eighteen percent of people use their digital health tech’s a few times a week.

Among those people who do not yet use health apps or wearable tech for health, cost is the top reason they haven’t...

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Topics: Digital Health, Employer, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends, Wearables, Wellness
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