Healthcare DIVE May 5, 2020
Rebecca Pifer

Dive Brief:

  • If commercial payers reimbursed at the same rate as Medicare, average hospital revenue would fall roughly 35%, though it would vary widely by state, according to a new pricing study published in Health Affairs.
  • Harvard Medical School researchers found private health insurers reimbursed for inpatient and outpatient facility services roughly double what Medicare reimbursed and shelled out roughly 60% more than Medicare for services provided by a physician in 2017.
  • Policy action is needed to lower out-of-control healthcare prices, researchers determined, but any moves from Washington to tie reimbursement to Medicare rates could send hospital revenues flatlining as some providers already teeter on the edge of insolvency amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Dive Insight:

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Topics: Health System / Hospital, Insurance, Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Payer, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends
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