Healthcare DIVE May 8, 2019
Rebecca Pifer

Dive Brief:

  • Insurers in the individual market saw better financial performance last year than in any other year since the Affordable Care Act was implemented, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis. Researchers also concluded payer profitability in the individual market in 2018 could have even returned to (or exceeded) pre-ACA levels.
  • Premiums dipped slightly for 2019, the study found, due to payers hiking 2018 rates more than necessary. And premiums could have dropped even lower if the individual mandate penalty had not been revoked for the 2019 plan year, KFF concluded.
  • The report also found insurers expect to shell out a record amount in rebates to individual market consumers for not meeting the ACA’s medical loss ratio...

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), CMS, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Payer, Public Exchange
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