New York Times January 26, 2021
Lanhee J. Chen and James C. Capretta

Here are three ideas to expand coverage and control costs that Democrats and Republicans could agree on.

President Biden says he will draw on his decades-long experience in the Senate to bridge partisan divides in Washington. Health care may stress-test his deal-making prowess.

Mr. Biden is right: There is an opportunity for bipartisan cooperation on expanding coverage and controlling costs — but only if the parties set aside ideological ambitions to make our health care system work better.

Democrats won control of both houses of Congress, but with slim majorities, they will be unable to pass expansive health measures on a partisan basis. Already, Mr. Biden is seeking a significant expansion in Affordable Care Act subsidies as part...

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), Congress / White House, Employer, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Insurance, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Pricing / Spending, Provider, Public Exchange, States
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