STAT April 3, 2024
David Velasquez

Health care was once moderately immune to the anti-diversity, anti-equity, and anti-inclusion craze. Not anymore.

California’s medical board is facing litigation for requiring physicians be trained about implicit bias. Health systems are reassessing training on systemic racism because of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s bill that prohibits public funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. And Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have introduced a bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965; the bill aims to prohibit medical schools from receiving federal aid if they adopt certain policies related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

All this, amid last year’s Supreme Court ruling that banned race-conscious admissions at colleges and universities, portends poorly for anyone who cares about the...

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Topics: Equity/SDOH, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Provider
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