Information Management January 8, 2018
Mark Barrenechea

It is an amazing time for technology and to be a citizen of the world. Every company is transforming into a software company and finding ways to disrupt themselves. Software is powering digital transformations and will enable the intelligent enterprise and a new way to work.

Over the next 10 years, there will be five billion connected users on one high-speed, highly reliable network—the Internet. Surpassing humans, one trillion machines will come online and the von Neumann computer architecture will be replaced with quantum computing (enter Q2K and the Qubit).

Over the next five years, the world will add 10 million more programmers as rules-driven white-collar work is replaced by software or machines. We will all need to automate ruthlessly...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Blockchain, Cybersecurity, IoT (Internet of Things)
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