One-on-One With Micky Tripathi on Arcadia Move, COVID-19, and Data Privacy
Healthcare Innovation June 3, 2020
The week-respected health IT voice discusses an array of issues related to his move to a population health management company, gaps in public health, and more
In late April, population health management solutions company Arcadia announced it would be acquiring certain assets of the nonprofit Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative (MAeHC), a health IT services firm that delivers strategic guidance, project management, data warehousing and analytics services, and hands-on implementation support to help its clients improve their clinical and business performance. MAeHC also plays a significant leadership role in advising and leading various interoperability and standards activities, including HL7 and FHIR.
MAeHC’s president and CEO, Micky Tripathi, Ph.D., a well-known health IT pioneer, was part of the transaction, taking a new position...