McKnight’s Senior Living October 2, 2023
Haymarket Media

(HealthDay News) — Nearly one in 20 US adults live with co-occurring chronic pain and clinically significant anxiety and/or depression (A/D), according to a study published online Sept. 21 in PAIN.

Jennifer S. De La Rosa, PhD, from University of Arizona in Tucson, and colleagues used data from the 2019 National Health Interview Survey to understand the prevalence of co-occurring symptoms of chronic pain and clinically significant symptoms of A/D.

The researchers estimate that approximately 12 million US adults (4.9% of the adult population) have co-occurring chronic pain and A/D symptoms. Among US adults with chronic pain, unremitted A/D symptoms co-occurred in 23.9% compared with an A/D prevalence of 4.9% among those...

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Topics: Mental Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends
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