Modern Healthcare November 11, 2017
Rachel Z. Arndt

The 21st Century Cures Act tasked the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology with a herculean task: solve the interoperability puzzle.

One tool the agency is using to achieve that goal is the Interoperability Standards Advisory, a collection of standards and specifications. The ONC is accepting comments on the online edition until Nov. 20. The 2018 reference edition is expected to be released later this year.

Recently, the ONC made several changes to the ISA. In response to suggestions from the 2017 ISA Task Force and the Health IT Standards Committee, for instance, it added a section on how consumers can access and exchange health information. For all four related categories of consumer-oriented interoperability—including the ability to...

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Topics: ASTP/ONC, Cures Act, EMR / EHR, HIE (Interoperability), Regulations
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