ONC Launches New HITAC Adopted Standards Task Force
HealthIT Answers June 30, 2022
By Josianne Charles, Liz Turi, Scott Bohon, and Mike Berry, ONC
Recently the ONC launched the Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC) Adopted Standards Task Force to review and make recommendations on the existing set of ONC-adopted standards and implementation specifications. This HITAC Task Force fulfills the following 21st Century Cures Act requirement:
“Beginning 5 years after the date of enactment [December 13, 2016] of the 21st Century Cures Act and every 3 years thereafter, the National Coordinator shall convene stakeholders to review the existing set of adopted standards and implementation specifications and make recommendations with respect to whether to-
(A) maintain the use of such standards and implementation specifications; or
(B) phase out such standards and implementation...