Lexology June 3, 2020
Hall Render Killian Heath & Lyman PC

On May 21, 2020, Hall Render published “Providers Beware: Avoiding the Pitfalls in Regulatory Flexibilities and Relief Funds.”

On May 26, 2020, OIG published “OIG Strategic Plan: Oversight of COVID-19 Response and Recovery.”

To those who follow health care compliance and enforcement issues closely, the OIG document should come as no surprise. Over the past several months, the federal government has issued dizzying amounts of new regulations, provided waivers to longstanding laws and made large sums of money available to health care entities.

If the past has shown us anything, it has shown us that OIG strongly believes that its “oversight and enforcement activities protect HHS funds from fraud, waste and abuse and promote transparency of, and accountability for, HHS...

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