Healthcare IT News September 18, 2024
Bill Siwicki

To effectively share data with patients, hospitals and health systems must build a tech foundation centered on interoperability, driven by rigorous data standardization and secure exchanges – and the adoption of HL7’s FHIR.

Making health data more accessible to patients – not to mention doctors and health plans – is a priority for all hospitals and health systems today, as the final Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Interoperability Rule mandates patient access.

But patients across the country know getting access to their health information is often challenging. In fact, as of 2020, only 60% of individuals nationwide reported being offered a patient portal for their data.

The good news is that with the appropriate technology foundation of APIs and...

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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Health IT, HIE (Interoperability), Interview / Q&A, Nursing, Provider, Technology, Trends
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