NEJM May 1, 2020
Ayesha D’Avena, MBA, Shantanu Agrawal, MD, MPhil, Kenneth W. Kizer, MD, MPH, Lee A. Fleisher, MD, Nancy Foster, AB & Donald M. Berwick, MD

A frank assessment from the National Quality Task Force, a year-long effort to address limitations of the quality movement and drive better value in the next decade.


The National Quality Forum and several collaborators launched the National Quality Task Force in late 2018 to analyze the progress of the modern quality movement today and recommend a path forward. Despite impressive gains, notable shortcomings persist in normalizing consistent, high-value, person-centered care. What is primarily missing is not progress in measurement, but progress in results. Changes in culture, investment, leadership, and even the distribution of power are even more important than measurement alone.



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