FindBiometrics February 12, 2020
Eric Weiss

NextGate and the eHealth Initiative Foundation (eHI) have released a report that suggests that many healthcare organizations are still struggling with patient matching. The survey specifically found that an astonishing 38 percent of all U.S. healthcare providers had experienced some kind of negative event solely because of a patient matching issue in the past two years.

The report goes on to explore some of the steps that healthcare providers are taking to address the issue, and highlights some of the obstacles that they are likely to face along the way. For example, duplicate medical records are often the result of a data entry error, and many Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) are dramatically underfunded and understaffed. That suggests that patient records...

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Topics: EMR / EHR, Govt Agencies, Health IT, HIE (Interoperability), Insurance, Market Research, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Trends
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