Home Health Care News March 12, 2020
Andrew Donlan

In 2019, Medicare Advantage (MA) plans were given clearance to offer extended health-related services and benefits to certain chronically ill enrollees starting in 2020. The move doubled down on a similar MA expansion announced in 2018.

While the 2019 and 2018 updates were separate, they both created potential MA opportunities for in-home care providers.

Providers already had a good idea of opportunities tied to the 2018 supplemental benefits expansion of “primarily health related” for months. Now, they also have an idea of what plans are currently doing under 2019’s SSBCI option — “Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill.”

The first set of SSBCI data was released earlier this week. Thus far, there are at least 245 plans...

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Topics: Home, Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Provider
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