KFF August 7, 2020

A new KFF survey finds that nearly one in five potential marketplace and Medicaid enrollees – an estimated 7 million people – say that they got assistance applying for Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace plans or Medicaid in the past year, while one in eight – an estimated 5 million – tried and failed to obtain help.

The survey suggests a shortage of consumer assistance prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted job-based health insurance for millions of Americans. Consumer assistance programs could help people shopping for replacement coverage understand and evaluate their options.

The national survey examines the experiences of consumers most likely to use consumer assistance to obtain health coverage — non-elderly adults with marketplace or Medicaid...

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), Insurance, Medicaid, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Public Exchange, Survey / Study, Trends
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