PharmaTimes November 19, 2024
Emily Kimber

The census found that 56% of people visit their GP for a UTI and 27% for thrush

New research from PAGB has revealed that 22% of people do not think of self-care as their first option for easy-to-treat conditions.

This Self-Care Week (18 to 24 November), the consumer healthcare association has highlighted the importance of empowering patients.

The Self-Care Census 2024 reviewed real-world data from 4,000 adults in the UK to uncover the latest consumer trends in self-treatable conditions.

It found that 56% of respondents visit their GP for a urinary tract infection, 27% for thrush, 20% for acne and 20% for conjunctivitis.

Despite 72% of respondents saying they were more likely to self-care as a result of seeing news...

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