Becker's Healthcare May 6, 2022
Naomi Diaz

Several healthcare stakeholder groups developed a new framework that addresses privacy and security risks associated with digital health tools and apps that fall outside of HIPAA regulation.

The American College of Physicians, the American Telemedicine Association and the Organization for the Review of Care and Health Applications, released the Digital Health Assessment Framework on May 2. The framework, which is meant to support healthcare professionals and consumers, aims to assess the adoption of digital health technologies, while helping healthcare leaders and patients make more informed decisions about which digital health tools to adopt.

“Digital health technologies can offer safe, effective and engaging access to personalized health and support, and provide more convenient care, improve patient and provider satisfaction, and...

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Topics: Apps, Cybersecurity, Digital Health, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, HIPAA, Patient / Consumer, Privacy / Security, Provider, Technology
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