EHR Intelligence December 22, 2017
Kate Monica

Bill would enable patient access to health information that is comprehensive and longitudinal.

Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) recently introduceda bipartisan bill intended to give medical record clearinghouses the ability to improve patient access to health information as well as makes claims data available for analysis that benefits public health.

The Ensuring Patient Access to Healthcare Records Act allows clearinghouses to link health data and build longitudinal records to ensure patients have a comprehensive medical record.

“Even in the age of technology, it can be difficult for patients to obtain their comprehensive health records,” said McMorris Rodgers. “Whether it’s because of a move to a new state, switching providers, an unexpected visit to the emergency room, or a new doctor,...

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Topics: Congress / White House, HIM (Health Inf Mgmt), HIPAA, Patient / Consumer, Regulations
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