Becker's Healthcare January 24, 2020
Andrea Park

Contrary to popular belief, Americans aged 50 and older are now adopting consumer technology at rates close to those of the 18-49 set, a new AARP report found.

Here are four takeaways from the report, based on surveys of more than 2,600 Americans aged 50 and above:

1. Though they are not typically the earliest adopters of new devices, older Americans eventually reach similar tech adoption rates to those of Generation X, millennials and Generation Z, and report using their devices on a near-daily basis.

2. Many members of this age group are open to the use of technology in healthcare: A total of 53 percent of those surveyed said they would prefer their medical needs to be managed by...

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Topics: Apps, Digital Health, Health System / Hospital, Insurance, Market Research, mHealth, Patient / Consumer, Physician, Provider, Technology, Trends, Wearables
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