Healthcare Finance News April 22, 2024
Nathan Eddy

The biggest challenge ACOs face is the lack of good data on specialist performance, says study author Rob Mechanic.

Accountable Care Organizations are struggling to find specialists to improve value-based care, although it is a top priority Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Meanwhile, ACOs face considerable challenges in effectively engaging specialists, according to a recent study from the Institute for Accountable Care in the American Journal of Managed Care.

The predominant influence of fee-for-service payment structures on specialist behavior was cited as a major hurdle by 58% of ACOs.

The study analyzed 101 Medicare ACOs participating in either the Medicare Shared Savings Program or the Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (REACH) ACO model as of 2023.

The researchers...

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Topics: ACO (Accountable Care), Payment Models, Physician, Primary care, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends, Value Based
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