Medical Economics November 16, 2023
Jeffrey Bendix

Study finds white patients are offered portal access at higher rates than Blacks and Hispanics

A new study finds both good and bad news in recent trends of patient engagement with electronic health information (EHI). The good news: access to EHI—mostly via patient portals—increased substantially between 2014 and 2022.The bad news: Black and Hispanic patients were being offered access to portals less often than white patients.

The study’s authors analyzed trends in portal access among more than 22,000 adults between 2014 and 2022, using data from the Health Information National Trends Survey. They used reports from patients to learn how many were offered portal access by their health care provider, how many were encouraged to use the portal or their...

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Topics: Apps, Digital Health, EMR / EHR, Health IT, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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