Health Affairs January 13, 2025
Aparna Keshaviah

Over the past 50 years, infectious disease outbreaks have increased exponentially. Tropical diseases are migrating into the Global North, and vector-borne disease may soon become endemic in the United States. Human-induced drivers of environmental change have spurred this evolution through climate change, land use changes (including development and agriculture), and human behaviors (such as travel and commerce).

Climate change is an effect multiplier for pathogenic spread. Warming climates allow pathogens to spread to new areas and survive for longer periods. They also influence other environmental changes. The increasing frequency and severity of floods, hurricanes, droughts, wildfires, and other extreme weather events reduce habitable land and crop yields. This, in turn, triggers population migration, displacement, and conflict, bringing people into...

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Topics: Digital Health, Govt Agencies, Health IT, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Public Health / COVID, Technology, Wearables
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