Health IT Outcomes November 5, 2019
Dr. Robert Murry

In most ambulatory practices, care is delivered in a tightly-timed environment, with the performance of each team member dependent on a workflow that must move efficiently. With new mandates and evolving technology, the physician’s role is now more complex than ever.

Physician Burnout And The EHR

These increasing demands have a direct impact on physician well-being. For example, according to the Medscape National Physician Burnout, Depression & Suicide Report 2019, the top contributors to physician burnout in order, are “too many bureaucratic tasks,” “spending too many hours at work,” and “increasing computerization of practice (EHRs).”

According to a study by the University of Wisconsin and the American Medical Association, physicians can spend nearly six hours per day in the EHR....

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Topics: Digital Health, EMR / EHR, Health IT, mHealth, Physician, Provider, Technology
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