Healthcare Innovation August 21, 2024
David Raths

The goal of MiHIN’s partnership with Beyond Lucid Technologies is to have seamless communication between ambulances and hospitals to streamline patient handoff

Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services (MiHIN) is working with several stakeholders on a pilot project aimed at improving patient care coordination between emergency medical services (EMS) agencies and receiving hospitals. The goal is to eventually roll the service out statewide.

MiHIN is Michigan’s nonprofit, state-designated health information exchange, providing patient information to doctors, clinics, federally qualified health centers, hospitals, pharmacies, health insurance providers, and public health in Michigan. 

As MiHIN points out, many of America’s hospital systems and the fire and ambulance services that care for the communities around them operate in information silos, exchanging no...

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Topics: Govt Agencies, Health IT, HIE (Interoperability), States, Technology
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