Forbes July 1, 2024
Lance Eliot

In today’s column, I am continuing my ongoing series about the impact of generative AI in the health and medical realm. The focus this time is once again on the mental health domain and in particular examines the United States state-by-state mental health rankings. Numerous such rankings purport to illuminate the degree of mental health on a state-at-a-time basis. I assert that the cadre of rankings will inevitably be upended due to the increasing emergence of generative AI for mental health. If that seems curiously provocative, hang in there, and all will be explained.

I have previously examined numerous interleaving facets of generative AI and mental health, see my comprehensive overview at the link here. You might also find of...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Govt Agencies, Mental Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider, States, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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