Nature March 6, 2024
Kayonda Hubert Ngamaba, Laddy Sedzo Lombo, Israël Kenda Makopa, Martin Webber, Jack M. Liuta, Joule Ntwan Madinga, Samuel Ma Miezi Mampunza & Cheyann Heap


In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the prevalence of mental health issues could be greater than in other low-income and middle-income countries because of major risk factors related to armed conflicts and poverty. Given that mental health is an essential component of health, it is surprising that no systematic evaluation of mental health in the DRC has yet been undertaken. This study aims to undertake the first systematic review of mental health literacy and service provision in the DRC, to bridge this gap and inform those who need to develop an evidence base. This could support policymakers in tackling the issues related to limited mental health systems and service provision in DRC. Following Cochrane...

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