Medsphere Sets Stage for OSEHRA VistA with Key Code Contribution
OSEHRA November 21, 2014
Medsphere Systems Corporation (MSC) has contributed its latest version of FILEMAN to the Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) code repository. FILEMAN 22.2 is arguably the single most important component of the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA), and is one of the largest open source contributions to date. Version 22.2 represents over a decade of effort and extensive investment by MSC, incorporating more than a thousand improvements over the original version obtained from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Dr. Edmund Billings, MSC’s Chief Medical Officer, commented, “this code not only improves VistA’s technical infrastructure, but also provides direct benefit to clinicians.”
The contribution of MSC FILEMAN includes an important change of open source licensing,...