Fierce Healthcare May 6, 2024
Noah Tong

The Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will be fully solvent for longer than previously projected, according to an annual Medicare Trustee report.

Though the report (PDF) details “significant financing issues,” the program will be able to pay all scheduled benefits until 2036, seven years later than reported in 2023 and five years later than the most recent report indicated.

The Biden administration views the report as a result of its economic and health policies. Biden used the report Monday to show a contrast between his healthcare vision and the “cruel and unnecessary” plans President Trump has floated if he were to become re-elected.

He said Republicans plan to raise prescription drug costs and “transition Medicare to a system that would raise...

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Topics: CMS, Congress / White House, Employer, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, HHS, Insurance, Medicare, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends
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