Skilled Nursing News March 10, 2020
Alex Spanko

Medicare Advantage plans have long been a thorn in skilled nursing facilities’ sides, with lower-per day rates and increased pressure to reduce lengths of stay than traditional fee-for-service Medicare.

But a new report shines a light on why seniors are increasingly choosing the plans in the first place, reinforcing recent calls to embrace working with the public-private insurers — or risk getting left behind.

Seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans spent nearly $1,600 less on health care expenses than their counterparts covered under traditional Medicare in 2017, the most recent year for which data was available, according to a new report from the Better Medicare Alliance and ATI Advisory.

That’s a savings increase from $1,267 in 2016, the...

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Topics: Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Post-Acute Care, Provider
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