Becker's Healthcare May 3, 2024
Rylee Wilson

Medicare Advantage insurers are planning to pare down their plan offerings in 2025.

Facing lower reimbursement rates from CMS and higher medical costs, many plan executives said they will prioritize margins over growing their membership numbers.

Brian Kane, CEO of Aetna, told investors May 1 that the company will prioritize “margins over membership” in 2025. The company will exit counties where it believes it can’t be profitable, Mr. Kane said.

“It’s hard to say right now that we won’t have a meaningful decrease in membership,” Mr. Kane said. “It’s certainly possible.”

Aetna’s competitors will be faced with the same choices, Mr. Kane said.

Humana executives also said the company is eyeing market exits in 2025....

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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer
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