Managed Healthcare Executive April 8, 2020
MHE Staff

Mark Farrah Associates (MFA) assessed Medicare Advantage (MA) and Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) performance, market share, and market penetration by state as of March 1, 2020, according to a release.

Total MA membership exceeded 24.7 million and Medicare stand-alone PDPs covered nearly 25.2 members, the release said.

MA plans grew by 9.3% while there was a 1.4% decrease for PDPs, year-over-year. MFA’s recent analysis brief focused on year-over-year enrollment trends for the MA and PDP senior markets.

Other key findings were:

  • The top ten carriers covered 75.5% of all MA enrollees, with UnitedHealth remaining the market-share leader with over 6.35 million enrollees.
  • Florida experienced the most sizeable year-over-year increase of almost 169,000 MA members.
  • Stand-alone PDPs experienced a decrease...

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