KevinMD September 18, 2024
John C. Hagan III, MD

Bring adventure, mental and physical challenge, change, and calculated risk-taking into your life. I made “someday” happen. You can too. “Someday” it may be too late.

Somewhere, sometime, “someday” slips into our lives. Sometimes “someday” is restless, as in, “Someday I would like to travel to all seven continents.” Sometimes “someday” is bold and fearless—”Someday I want to climb mountains.” Sometimes “someday” is intellectual (learning a second language), athletic (windsurfing), or involves new motor skills (playing a musical instrument). “Someday,” I will do all the exciting, unusual, and venturesome things that have instilled awe in me and a sense of wonder since childhood.

Someday I will indulge my wanderlust and travel to exotic faraway places. For many of us, “someday”...

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