Hacker Noon October 3, 2019
Lautaro Jordan Lobo Ravarotto

By 2020, the total number of Internet-connected devices will be between 25-50 billion.

This is a deep dive into the future of the Internet of Things and the challenges to come with the rise of new technologies and big amounts of data collected by all these connected devices.

What you’ll read:

  • What 5G has new
  • How IoT will benefit from 5G
  • How IoT goes hand-to-hand with Data Science and Machine Learning

What 5G has new

5G is:

  • Less battery consuming
  • 20+ times faster than 4G LTE
  • Able to support up to a million devices per km²

Less battery consuming

We all know it, 4G drains battery like a champ.

But don’t worry, 5G will be less...

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Topics: 5G, AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things), Provider, Technology
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