Healthcare DIVE May 22, 2020
Shannon Muchmore

Dive Brief:

  • CMS on Friday released a final rule that gives more weight to patient experience, complaint and access measures in Medicare Advantage and Part D star ratings and reduces the influence of outliers. It also finalizes a proposal to modify the calculation of 2021 and 2022 Part C and D star ratings to “address the expected disruption to data collection and impact on measure scores posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to avoid inadvertently creating incentives to place cost considerations above patient safety,” according to a CMS fact sheet.
  • The rule attempts to let more MA plans comply with network adequacy standards by reducing the percentage of rural beneficiaries that must reside within maximum time and distance areas and...

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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Provider
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