Manatt Health December 19, 2023
Eric Gold

On November 24, the Massachusetts Division of Insurance (DOI) published revisions to its managed care consumer protection regulation, including new requirements related to health care provider directories, telehealth and behavioral health coverage.

The Provider Directory Regulation follows a 2019 Massachusetts law that required commercial health plans to “ensure the accuracy” of information in their directories of in-network health care providers and a 2020 task force that studied the issue. The Directory Regulation adds detailed requirements—far beyond what was required under prior state or federal rules—for all Massachusetts health plans.

The revised regulations also implement a 2021 law that mandates coverage parity for telehealth services and rate parity for behavioral health services via telehealth, and a separate 2022 law requiring that...

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Topics: Digital Health, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Mental Health, Provider, Regulations, States, Technology, Telehealth
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