Health Affairs June 15, 2023
Annette DuBard, Joshua Israel, Farzad Mostashari

“Less is more,” the old adage states. But quality measurement in US health care has trended relentlessly toward “more.” Often, this results from the best of intentions. Payers and policy makers see quality measures as not merely a way to assess clinician quality but as a way to signal the importance of whatever health component the metric intends to address. But these signals come at a cost. Aggregated across our entire complex health care system—in various programs and for different payers—the value of metrics as signals conflicts with other values, such as the value of evidence, the value of holistic primary care that is greater than the sum of its measurable parts, and the greatest value of all: the opportunity...

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Topics: ACO (Accountable Care), CMS, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Payment Models, Primary care, Provider, Value Based
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