Hospital & Healthcare Management September 21, 2024
Content Team HHMGlobal

As more hospitals hold their leadership responsible for hand hygiene, hand-washing adherence is increasing, according to patient safety watchdog The Leapfrog Group.

According to statistics from 2,149 surveyed hospitals published on Wednesday, the proportion of hospitals achieving Leapfrog’s hand hygiene criterion has increased from 11% to 74% in 2023 since it started collecting and reporting data on hospital hand cleanliness in 2020.

Hospitals must use best practices that have been approved by their expert panel and modified from World Health Organization framework guidelines in order to comply with the requirement. These specifications include the following five major domains: infrastructure (such as access to handwashing supplies), culture, training and education, monitoring, and feedback.

Even while Leapfrog’s analysis shows a seven-fold improvement...

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