Health Affairs January 19, 2022
Ashley M. Fox, Yongjin Choi, Wenhui Feng

Political party identification is rapidly becoming the strongest and most consistent predictor of compliance with COVID-19 mitigation strategies, surpassing income, education, and other demographic characteristics. For instance, a recent study of COVID-19-related health behaviors and policy preferences found that partisanship was the most consistently predictive indicator across the 38 COVID-19-related behaviors and attitudes. More recently, vaccine hesitancy has taken on a partisan hue with nearly 60 percent of White Republicans in March 2021 saying that they will either not take the vaccine at all or are unsure compared with just 7 percent of White Democrats. Counties with a higher vote share for Trump have seen lower vaccine uptake, contributing to low-vaccination clusters and continued hospital overcrowding.

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Topics: Congress / White House, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Population Health Mgmt, Provider, Public Health / COVID, Survey / Study, Trends
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