May 23, 2024

Seamless interoperable health information exchange between disparate organizations across the health care continuum is crucial to ensure clinicians have access to the most timely and relevent patient health information when making healthcare decisions. Hospitals play an important role in interoperable exchange, and, since 2014, ONC has tracked hospitals’ overall engagement in four domains of interoperable exchange (send, receive, find, and integrate) to measure the effects of federal policy and industry efforts on interoperability (1,2). As a greater share of hospitals engaged in interoperable exchange at least sometimes – 70% of hospitals as of 2023 – this data brief seeks to examine this more granularly and raise the bar. Therefore, this brief reports the share of U.S. hospitals that reported they...

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Topics: EMR / EHR, Govt Agencies, Health IT, Health System / Hospital, HIE (Interoperability), ONC, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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